What After Class 12 Result
Now that the class 12th result has been declared you all may be trying to find what after class 12th result

Now the results are out; you may be confused about a lot of things because of the marks that you have got in class 12th CBSE, ICSE or any other board. Many of you may be thinking of selecting courses as per your choice.
In this post, I will discuss all your opportunities, plus options you need to consider while deciding your different path after the 12th.
What after 12th results, and what decisions that you need to take after your class 12th results?
It doesn't matter from which board you are, CBSE, ICSE or any other state board. These things are the same for all the boards.
You have to select colleges and courses after your class 12th results. And many of you may be thinking of dropping out this year.
Since this is not a regular year because of the coronavirus,, education is also not regular. As you know, we are in the middle of the corona crisis, plus cases are increasing in India at a very high rate.
So, if you're thinking of taking any steps regarding anything, then you need to be more precise and accurate regarding your decisions.
The reason is your life, and your education is both at critical points. As you know, educational institutes do not have permission to reopen because corona cases will grow faster if they open. And India (Bharat) is not able to handle new corona cases.
Then what do you need to do?
You need to think and then act. Furthermore, you're very well aware that you'll not get the same college life that you used to get before the corona crisis, even after enrolling in any top private college.
The reason is that everything is distanced now.
Many of you may be considering dropping off after class 12th. Is it the right choice?
Yes, it is, although things are twisted right now, and it's hard to calculate the actual outcomes.
So, it's better to take a drop this year.
Yes, it is, although things are twisted right now, and it's hard to calculate the actual outcomes.
So, it's better to take a drop this year.
Simply because by taking a drop, you'll get time for thinking and planning things for yourself. Furthermore, it also ensures your safety.
Deciding on the current situation is tricky because you don't know the actual strength of your immune system and who's infected with the coronavirus.
So, it's better to stay home and be safe. Some
for preparation for competitive exams, some for improvement exams, and the rest for other reasons.
So it's not wrong to take a drop of one year because it lends you plenty of time to think and plan your steps for your future. And in current situations, taking a drop is a better option. Why? Because we are waiting for a vaccine, schools and colleges will not open.
I am not recommending you take a drop. But it would be best if you thought once before taking any step and did not take steps out of compulsion. My
parents are forcing me to go to college because they think my one year will be wasted if I take a year off. So think carefully before taking any step.
What if you've failed your class 12th?
This is very common every year. Many students fail class 12th boards, and some score fewer marks on boards.
Failing boards and scoring low are pretty the same.
Honestly, if you fail class 12th, you have to re-appear for exams, and if your scores are less, you also have to appear for an improvement exam. So there is hardly any difference between the two. Another reason for comparing failed students with low-scoring students is?
These students don't get the chance to get admission to the best colleges in India. Because you know that students these days score 100% marks, and from this, you can predict the level of competition that you're going to face during your college selections. And that's why private colleges that don't demand the best scores are full of students, as the number of scorers is way more than the high scorers in India.
Suppose you're considering admission to DU or any other elite college, with your 55% in board exams. I believe it will be difficult for you. That's why I am forcing you to consider it before taking any steps.
Furthermore, you must understand that your college plays a vital role in your career, and you know that because you've seen this difference. How do we treat IIT students as compared to Amity students?
I don't have to explain this. You're very well informed.
Consider these things if you've failed or scored low in your class 12th board exams. These things are vital for you to consider after the class 12th result.
- Do not take steps out of compulsion, like preparing for IIT or any tough exam.
- Do not take any wrong steps even though no one is trying to understand you.
- Class 12th is not the only opportunity that you have. You'll have plenty in the future.
- Don't force yourself to do something wrong or do not get depressed about your scores.
- Believe in yourself and try to move towards your dream goals.
- Take time and choose things wisely for yourself.
- Do not consider yourself a failure or anything else.
- Do not listen to your relatives and other toxic people.
- Do not think in the wrong direction.
- Avoid too much advice from people.
- Instead of taking any blind steps, take a drop for a year.
Consider all the points, and if you have further questions, comment below the post.
What if you've scored well on the class 12th boards?
If you've scored well, you already have so many things you've decided to do. So take steps in that direction. And if you're confused about what you want to do, then take some time and research things you want to do in your life.
Consider these things.
- Take any decision after thoroughly analyzing things.
- Do not take any decisions out of compulsion.
- Do not hold any misbelieve that your better score is going to get you a job or something.
- Do not get overconfident about anything.
- Choose things wisely because they're going to affect your future.
- Choose your college wisely.
- Try to read more books to get the ground reality of things.
Things you need to consider before appearing for any competitive exam after class 12th.
As you know, a lot of competitive exams take place every year and a lot of students appear for these exams.
These exams allow you to enter the top colleges in India if you crack these exams. That's why these exams sell 10 times more forms than the seats available.
So, first, you need to decide which competitive exam you want to give. There are many exams, like JEE mains, NDA and others, depending on your subjects.
Tips to keep in mind regarding competitive exams
- Please select one and stay focused on it.
- Give your 100% to it.
- Do not prepare for more than one exam at once because it will only increase your difficulties.
- All competitive exams have different patterns and need a different approach to crack.
- That's why you must focus on only one at a time.
Is it good to take a break while preparing for any competitive exam after class 12th?
It depends on you. As long as you dare to crack that exam, it would be best if you took a drop; otherwise, don't waste your valuable year; try to do something or get yourself into a college. And if you have decided to take a drop, then make sure.
- You're utilizing each of your time fully.
- Try to gain more and more knowledge about things.
- Be 100% focused on your goal.
There is nothing else to say. If you're dropping, then make sure you're using that time properly for yourself.
Also read:
7 things you must see in your future college.
Choose an autonomous college In place of a regular college.
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