How To Use Your Class 9 Reference Books To Get Full Marks

Basically, we all have class 9th reference books, but the problem is we don't use them properly. There are ways to fully utilize your class 9th reference books.

How To Use Your Class 9 Reference Books To Get Full Marks
How To Use Your Class 9 Reference Books To Get Full Marks

Most of the time, students make the mistake of not using their reference books the way they should.

Sometimes, they try to read chapters or summaries of chapters from their class 9 reference books, and other times, they only copy NCERT solutions from their reference books.

This is an incorrect approach because reference books are designed to provide all information on topics and deep analysis of topics.

Why do reference books matter in Class 9?

Reference books are essential for scoring well and developing your overall skills because you need proper knowledge of topics to score well in higher classes.

Those students who stick to limited things get bad grades in higher classes because they do not correctly use their reference books and ignore them.

You need to understand that your class 9th reference books matter a lot for your future classes.

Suppose you plan to aim for IIT JEE, NEET, NDA, X, Y Group, or any other exam. All of these require deep knowledge of topics and good question-solving skills.

So it's better to develop these skills as early as possible.


You all know the market is full of study materials and books, and choosing one is challenging.

Benefits of using reference books of class 9th.

  1. Reference books of class 9 provide you with explanations.
  2. More questions for practice.
  3. It provides an idea of higher classes.
  4. Increase your knowledge about the subject.

These are four benefits of reference books for class 9.

Things you must keep in mind while buying a reference book.

Why are you buying the reference book in class 9?

This is most important because if you want a book for NCERT solutions or NCERT exercises, you do no need to buy one.

You can get these in ND (Nandalal Dayaram) or on websites like Vedantu or NCERT Solutions.

Suppose you are aiming for IIT and other competitive exams. In that case, you must buy reference books because reference books have the correct number of questions, and these questions play a vital role in all competitive exams. It would be best if you had different books for different exams.

Do you want to solve these reference books, or are you just wasting your money?

I have seen students not even open their books after buying them, which is stupidity. Because you have invested a lot of money in these reference books for class 9, and now you don't even bother to open these reference books for class 9!

So, try to go through your reference books and make sure that you're going through each and everything.


Buying the best reference books for class 9 is essential.

It is a kind of biased question because if you say no, this can turn against you; sometimes, questions appear in exams based on deep concepts not fully explained in the NCERT books.

Students get hacked into these questions, and they are like sir, questions are out of the course; I believe if you focus on NCERT books intensely, then you don't need the reference books for class 9.

If you want to solve more questions and get ahead of other students, then you must buy one and solve it.

So, the final answer is reference books are not crucial for scoring good marks in class 9.

I hope you are getting the point. I have seen students scoring full marks in subjects like math and science without any coaching by using their reference books.

According to the SchoolOkay analysis, only 50 % of total students completely utilize their reference books for class 9 science, and others buy them.

Some random questions hit the minds of the students; they are like?

This reference book contains hard questions. I am not able to solve them. Should I change these reference books or stop solving them?

The point is obvious.

This reference book has a lot of material that is not important; should I read it or not?

The problem is not with science reference books for class 9. You don't have the correct CBSE science reference books for class 9? You must buy the right reference book for yourself.

If you have the correct reference book and still you are facing problems, then it simply means you need to learn how to utilize these reference books of class 9.

Why Do You Need Science Reference Books for Class 9?

It's essential to understand the importance of class 9 reference books.


According to "Schoolokay", you don't need reference books for all subjects, take the example of other subjects,

SST, you don't need a reference book for SST if you are a good read all the matter is given inside the NCERT book; even the students who prepare for IAS and PCS read NCERT books of SST.

So you don't need reference books for SST.

Do you need a reference book for science class 9? Yes, of course, you need them if you are going to take science as your future subject.

Why do you need reference books for class 9?

  1. The preparation of competitive exams IIT, JEE, and others.
  2. We are gaining more information than NCERT textbooks.
  3. Topic elaboration: you need reference books for class 9.
  4. They are scoring higher marks than other students.
  5. For understanding topics clearly.
  6. To solve more questions.
  7. For NCERT solutions, you need a reference book for class 9.

How to correctly choose reference books for class 9 science (step by step).

Keep these things in mind while selecting your reference books.

  • The language in the book must be simple to understand.
  • Topics must be explained in detail.
  • It must not be too theoretical.
  • It must have a good number of questions.
  • The reference book you are buying must have the previous year's questions.
  • It must have a good number of mocks.


Now you can buy reference books for any class.

Why do science reference books for class 9 CBSE students not work for them? According to schoolokay, students do not even read reference books; they have, and they don't have the proper knowledge to solve these heavy books.

Most class 9 students don't even know the importance of these reference books; they ignore them and even NCERT books. If you have any reference book, you must go through it. It's best for you; otherwise, you have wasted the right amount of money.

Importance of class 9th reference books.

Always read the highlighted parts. Important definitions are explained in these parts. Do not forget to read the summary at the end of the chapter and every topic. Every question matters a lot, including examples.

They will help you increase your scores in class 9 or even in other courses as well. Always go through all kinds of questions in the science reference books for class 9 NCERT,

  1. Short-type questions in science reference books for class 9
  2. Long-type questions
  3. HOTS questions as well.
  4. Problems for practice in science reference books for class 9
  5. If you are regularly checking out these questions, then you don't need to practice them at the last moment.


  1. Go through the reference book you have.
  2. Solve each and every question.
  3. Do not buy too many books.
  4. Focus on a single book.
  5. It is most important to read the topics.

Above trips are very important for you to use class 9th reference books.

Also, read the following.

Best reference books for class 9th.

How to stay focused on studies.

Best ways to prepare for cbse class 9 exams.

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