How To Improve Your English In No Time By SchoolOkay

As English is becoming the most adapted language in the world, so for almost every student, it's very important to have a good grasp of English.

How To Improve Your English In No Time  By SchoolOkay

We all read and write English a lot, yet there is always a doubt in our heads that our English is not good enough to communicate, so today w,e will discuss how you can improve your English in no time.

I know it's a drag because almost all students struggle with English. And to be more specific, we struggle with both Hindi and English, especially CBSE board students. LOL.

I'll include all the elements you need to know about your English and how important English is to you.

I am only sharing tips that I have used in my life to improve my English. And these are all practical. I still do these things daily.

So make sure to implement these tips. Otherwise, nothing is going to change.


The answer is simple, English is a worldwide accepted language because everything from computers to our essential smartphones uses English as the base language as English is the world's most spoken language.

Not just that, but English is relatively easy to learn and speak. This is one of the reasons why English is so widely spoken throughout the world.

And in India, English is widely accepted. Almost every exam is conducted in English, and we use English as a primary language for our cell phones. Plus, all the jobs are primarily dependent on English.

Ways to improve English faster

I don't want to set you up with illusions. I don't want to lie to you, either. Because I've seen people say they learn fluent English in just 30 days after subscribing to our channel.

You must get this in your head. Learning English in just 30 days or even 60 days is not fully possible. Because it's a language with so much use of grammar, you need timeto learn the full use of all grammatical tools practicallys.


The reason is simple: English has more words than your imagination, and these words have synonymous and antonyms.

So to learn all these synonymous antonyms, you need time and patience. Just learning is not enough; you also need to master their use. So be realistic and try to focus more on learning English simply.

Ways to learn English!

There are simply four ways to learn English normally.

  1. Listening.
  2. Writing
  3. Reading.
  4. Speaking.

1. Listening; Listen to western music and audiobooks

The fastest way to learn any language is to listen to that language through different media. And try to find out the meaning of the words you don't understand while you listen to those words. It's not buffing; it's convenient.

So start listening to the songs of Ed Shereen, JB, Shwan Mendes or someone else. Listen to audiobooks. You can find storybook audio files online and on audible and storytel.

2. READING; Read more books to improve your English

There is only one way to learn tenses and grammar rules: reading. You need to read a lot of books or online content to improve your "English grammar".

Also, underline the difficult words to understand and search for their meanings. Repeat this daily. This will help you build a strong vocabulary and increase your reading speed.

What do you need to read?

  1. Read the newspaper daily.
  2. Read blogs.
  3. Read Magazines.
  4. Read Books that are helpful in your career.
  5. Also, try to read stuff that catches your interest so you can read for long hours.  

Things that will be helpful in your career and for making progress in life. You need to decide what you want to read because it's your choice. If you read content that is irrelevant to you, you're just going to waste your time.

3. Writing; Write short notes and try to make short sentences.

Writing is vital. Daily writing is the best way to track your progress if you want to improve your English faster.

You don't have to write complicated things. Start with the basics. Keep a journal and write about your daily routine in English.

This will develop your habit of writing and improve your control over English.

You need to be regular because regularity is the key to achieving fast results.

4. Practicing; Means speaking in front of others.

Practising is essential for improving any skill that you want to develop.

Practice makes everyone perfect; not just men, lol.

What do you need to practice?

You must summarise everything you read, try to speak it out loud, and repeat it daily. You don't need to do it in front of others; try to be alone and speak to yourself in English.

This will improve your way of delivering words and, at the same time, the fluency of your English.

Many of us fail to speak English in front of people only because we never practice speaking English alone. We speak correctly inside our head but when it comes out of our mouths, it sounds terrible.

Practising is the only way to improves your your spoken English; it also allows you to develop a better grip on words and their use so that the right words can fall into your head when you're talking with someone.

You may be familiar with this dialogue.

The English in my head is way different from the English that I speak in real life.

It's only because we lack practice.

How to improve your vocabulary?

The most vital part of English is speaking and writing it with the correct vocabulary. When it comes to building sentences, it's the most challenging task.


The reason is simple: it's hard to remember all the words and their uses. Learning all the uses and placing them in correct order, plus using them correctly, is a drag because it's impossible to know all of them.

What do you need to do?

You don't have to burden yourself. Because things improve with time, you only need to learn some essential words and how to use those words correctly to make a meaningful sentence.

Then you can move to the second part, joining the sentences. For that, you only need a grammar book for class 6th or any other book with all the basics needed to improve your English.

So, stop focusing on learning too many words and focus on learning essential words and learning to use them properly.

You need to follow these steps to add new words to your vocabulary.

  1. Mark the words from the book you are reading.
  2. Take note of those words.
  3. Try to find the meaning of these words and their synonyms as well.
  4. Repeat these words 2-3 times daily or according to your comfort.
  5. Do not write too many words.
  6. Only write 20 words per day or as per your capacity.

Remember this: your brain is not good at words; it's good at images. So try not to force it. It would help if you were consistent instead of forcing your brain to learn more daily.

The Role of Grammar in the Fluency of Your English You may have searched for these questions many times on Google.

  • How do you improve your English speaking fluency?
  • How to improve your English vocabulary?
  • How to improve your English speaking skills?
  • How to improve English communication?
  • How to improve English Grammar?
  • How to improve your English fluency?

These are some common questions, and every student has them in mind. This is because everyone wants to speak fluent English. No one likes to be interrupted or corrected while they speak incorrect English because it's very annoying.

During school days, this was very common for me. Due to my grammar, I hesitated while speaking in front of others.

Back then, it was too bad. It was tough for me to form meaningful, full sentences. If I describe it more, I usually speak in phrases.

Are you aware of these phrases? I think you may or may not be. These are sentences without any meaning.

In other words, the person who lacks grammar also lacks fluency. It's hard to learn all the grammar rules, verbs, adjectives, and other parts of English grammar.

But it would help if you learned the basics of grammar because fluency is impossible without them.

Why fluency depends on Grammar?

The reason is simple. Grammar is the backbone of fluency.

So, you need to learn grammar basics and how to connect two sentences with words that you need to use while connecting any two sentences. Plus, the use of the suitable synonym in the right place.

It's imperative to develop a grip on English grammar because, without it, your English is like a soccer game without a soccer ball.

How do you develop practical Grammar?

Take the help of English grammar books.

  1. Wren and Martin.
  2. Word power made easy.

These are the best books for learning English.

How much time is needed to speak fluent English?

It depends on the learner's affordances and abilities. Because everyone is differently capable, this time varies from person to person.

Other ways to learn English faster

Keep this in mind: there are no shortcuts, but other ways can help you learn English faster. Like;

  1. Watch Hollywood movies.
  2. Watch anime series with subtitles.
  3. Listening to audiobooks.
  4. Listen to the news in English.
  5. I am paying attention to all forms of English media.

These are some ways that allow you to learn English faster.

Also read:

How to stay focused on your studies.

Best reference books for class 12th.

Why you should meditate during your exams.

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