7 Things You Must See In Your Future College
Because it is very necessary to know about your college before you get into it, there are 7 Things You Must See In Your Future College

After passing your class 12th with good scores or with low scores, you may be looking for colleges, and this year things are quite different because we're in the middle of a pandemic.
Due to this pandemic, you may be facing difficulties while selecting a better college for yourself.
How you can select a better college after your class 12th.
You know that there are two types of colleges.
- Government colleges of India.
- Private colleges of India.
There is no doubt that we consider government colleges to be the best. Colleges like Hindu, SRCC, JNU, and many other colleges are known for their academics and facilities.
These colleges are premium, and they provide world-class facilities as well as education at a very low cost. I believe you are well aware of the names of these colleges. Therefore, some of you may be dreaming of getting into these colleges.
I don't want to discuss the names of colleges as there are plenty of the best colleges in India, including the government sector and the private sector.
Ways to get admission into the best colleges in India.
- Entrance exam.
- Normal admission.
Entrance exams
The entrance exam only works for brilliant students, plus the colleges that conduct entrance exams have a small number of seats as compared to the number of students who appear for the exam. Furthermore, these seats are divided according to the caste categories, or you can say reservation.
If you are familiar with exams such as JEE mains and others, you can easily conclude that lakhs of students take these exams each year, but only a few are selected.
Not because they're not eligible, but because there are only a few thousand seats in IITs.
Furthermore, students who have good scores on their class 12th boards but fail to crack these entrance exams have to choose private colleges because they don't have other options.
So if you're thinking of getting into one of these colleges, then work hard and crack the entrance exam for these colleges.
Regular admission into top colleges in India
This is the option that is left in your hand after failing entrance exams and scoring low in class 12th, and you need to choose a college according to your class 12th score.
Some public colleges accept students with all low grades based on various criteria.
- Sports
- Academics of students and all.
In this form of admission, you're allowed to take admission on the basis of sports and other similar activities, like NCC, Scouting, and all.
These are some of the activities in which we take part while we are in school. If you have participated in any sports during your school years, you can easily get admission to these colleges.
You need to have a state, regional, or national level certificate to take part in sports quota.
7 Things that you must see in your college future college.
There is no problem if you are applying to a government college; however, if you are applying to a private college, you should consider the following factors before enrolling.
- Faculty of the college.
- Teaching methods and ways of teaching.
- Placements.
- Internships in good companies.
- The infrastructure of the college.
- Sports facilities of the college.
- Library Of the college.
- Whether the college is autonomous or regular.
Before elaborating above points, I want you to know this: All colleges claim that they have all the above things, but actually, they don't! They just fool students by showing them cool pamphlets with fancy girls on top.
To be honest, they don't even hold those girls in college; lol. They just fool students by using their desires as instruments. So be careful of the thugs.
1.You must see the faculty of your future college.
Many of you may be bursting out. How is one supposed to see the faculty without even going to the college and without attending any classes?
You're correct; you don't have to register for college to know the faculty of a college. You only need to pre-tour the college once before taking admissions.
During your pre-college tour, just ask the students about their experiences, and you'll know the truth in no time, because frustrated students never lie about their college and about their college faculty.
So try to ask some students, and you'll know the reality.
2. Teaching methods and teaching styles in your future college
You are well aware of the current world and how much we have developed? Therefore, the old ways of teaching are not going to work because no one hires bookish people.
Companies want graduates with skills and experience. So that they can save their money on training these newies.
So it's better to investigate your college before getting into it. Because you must know whether they provide internships to students or not.
3. Placements record of your future college.
This will be the most important thing you will confirm in your future college. I know that all colleges claim that they have the best placement records. But the ground reality is always different from their vocal reality.
You must confirm the stats of previous placement records by inquiring with the students of that college, because students who are now part of the college know every single detail of the college, whether official or unofficial.
Try to join a college that has a decent placement record of about 60%, because no college has a 100% placement record.
Even the IITs and IIMS don't have that privilege of 100% placement.
4. Internship in a genuine company.
This point is also followed by the above point. You must also confirm that your future college should have good tie-ups with big MNCs, plus, they should also assign students for internships at certain MNCs.
Companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Stadia, Dell, HP, BMW, Mercedes, BEATS, Flipkart, Tata, Reliance, and other companies are experts in their fields.
This is quite important for a student, as it provides him with live field experience, which further helps him decide things for himself. He also opens his mind to business and business opportunities.
There are a lot of benefits to internships, which I will discuss in my next article.
5. The infrastructure of the college.
As this is not too important, all students want to study in premium colleges, which also possess a wonderful infrastructure.
I also dreamed of studying in one, but I ended up studying at a college that was built by some Britishers to teach their kids when we were British colonies.
So many college buildings are too old and trying to fall, but people are constantly trying to make them last longer through constant repairs. Besides this, you should check all the facilities at the college because you're spending way more money than is required.
Some premium looking universities that I have visited are Manipal University Jaipur, Amity Noida, LPU, and Amity Jaipur.
These colleges really have beautiful buildings and well-maintained academic records.
Note: I am not recommending these colleges to you because you must select a college by doing proper research about that college.
6. Sports facilities of the college.
Not all students want jobs after graduation. Some want to play, while others want to make a career in sports.
So you must check the sports facilities of the college, because if you're not good at your studies, then you must focus on your sports.
As you know, sports have also presented a way of earning, plus this seems more fun to me because you make money by doing what you love.
7. Library of your future college.
You know that now everything is digital, and you need frequent updates on everything so that you can cope with the world.
For that, you need a very updated library, or, should I say, a digital library with the latest equipment.
Nowadays, colleges have digital libraries; not all, but some do, so you must choose wisely. Digital libraries are way better than regular libraries.
As you know, information play a significant role in a student's life, and you must read the latest and right information as a student.
8. Check whether the college is autonomous and regular.
It is important because regular colleges do not allow you to conduct experiments and do your own research.
Check out the difference between autonomous and regular colleges.
All students must choose their college carefully because college plays a significant role in students' lives as well as in their careers. And if you select the wrong college for yourself, which I did, you will just regret that you wasted 3 years of your graduation for nothing.
The same thing happened to me. I have a BBA but from a college that lacks everything. As a result, you must exercise caution when selecting a college.
Also. read;
12 reasons why students fail the examination.