5 Reasons Why You Should Meditate During Exams
Basically, mediation plays an important role in doers' lives because meditation awakens your inner powers and makes you more stable and perfect.

There are so many reasons why you should meditate during your exam because meditation has its part to play with you and your mind.
I know a lot of students feel meditation is boring, but believe me, it's not that boring.
If you believe that meditation is boring, that means you are doing the wrong kind of meditation! Yes, we need to sit quietly in meditation, but there is a catch to it. Sitting quietly for a while each day can change many things in your life, and it will enhance your brain's capabilities.
As exams are drawing near, only two months are left for board exams.
Students of class 10th and class 12th are now desperately preparing for their upcoming exams. Because of that, a lot of students may be under pressure for various personal reasons.
Generally, students have this habit of taking pressure on everything; it's because they haven't covered their syllabus on time.
Note: You should know that this post is not only for class 10th or class 12th students. It's for all students who are preparing for any kind of exam. Like, SBI PO, SBI Clerck, NEET, JEE, NDA, X group, Y-group, G MAT, GATE, CAT, IAS, UPSSC, UPSC, etc.
Reasons for taking pressure exams vary from student to student, but there are some common reasons.
- not be able to finish their syllabus on time.
- Maybe I am getting stuck on some questions.
- Or maybe some people are telling them that scoring 90+ in the 12th is quite tough.
- They may have exam fear.
- Or it could be for any other personal reason.
The main point here is that students usually feel pressured during exams, and they have their own personal reasons for that. Therefore, it is necessary to meditate during exams, and it must be done regularly because, without regularity, it's impossible to achieve anything.
Before moving deep into this post, I want you to do the following things.
- Don't just read this post. Try to apply these things in your life.
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How meditation really works for students?
You must understand this: it doesn't matter who you are, your brain has certain limits, and those limits of your brain stop you from doing more in your life.
And, if you try to break those limits, your brain will start misbehaving in certain ways. But meditation can make this easy for you.
How meditation can improve your brain?
Because meditation works on the inner mechanics of your body and mind, Also, doing meditation daily for 30 minutes or more can bring very subtle changes in the functioning of your body and mind.
Changes and benefits meditation brings to a student's life;
- Meditation Increases your concentration powers.
- Meditation enhances the functionality of your brain.
- Meditation reduces stress and anxiety.
- Meditation creates peace within your mind.
- Meditation Increases your sitting habit.
As I aforementioned, meditation can enhance the capabilities of your mind and body, which means that your studies are automatically going to improve by doing meditation daily. Not just that, but there are chances your scores are also going to improve. If you use those improvements correctly,
5 reasons why you should meditate for exams
1. Meditation Increases your concentration powers
If you look at things closely, you'll notice our concentration plays a vital role in our lives. For doing any task, we require some amount of concentration.
Also, your concentration defines how attentive you are while doing that particular work. If you lack concentration, it's going to show in your result.
This means a lack of concentration can mess up things for you.
For a student, studies are the chief priority, and for studies, concentration is subtle. Suppose someone possesses good concentration power, then it is obvious he'll score well. Because good concentration allows you to study longer without getting tired. And studying longer can improve your grades.
A person with better concentration powers is definitely going to produce better results than a person with low concentration power.
It's not just thought, it's a scientifically proven fact.
simply because a person with better concentration power can focus for a long time. And the focus is very vital to producing results.
Here's some research to back up why focus is so important for you and your work: research mindedness.
2. Meditation enhances the functionality of the brain.
There is no doubt that meditation increases your concentration powers, which is only possible when the functionality of your brain is enhanced.
Practising meditation daily can enhance your brain. It doesn't matter which meditation type you're practising.
- Rajyoga meditation.
- Isha Kriya.
- Vipassana.
- Bhakti meditation by iskon.
- Or simply breathing meditation by Baba Ramdev.
Or any other form of meditation. All meditations have almost the same benefits. And one of them is the enhancement of the functionality of your brain.
What kind of enhancement takes place in your brain when you meditate daily?
The basic strengths of your brain are going to be enhanced, like your tolerance power, the resistivity of your brain, and other functions of your brain.
We normally get irritated by people because of their annoying characteristics. Sometimes this goes too far. So it's better to start meditating as early as possible if you want to tolerate this kind of person at home and at work.
3. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety levels
There used to be times when people were not aware of the words "stress, anxiety, depression, etc." But today, even a 5-year-old kid has stress issues.
It's because times have changed and we used to have a real connection with real people around us. But now we don't have that privilege.
Half of the people around us are fake, and we don't have genuine and reliable connections. And on top of all this, we have this coronavirus which is messing up our lives in every possible way.
That means almost everyone is corona positive now. Our heads are filling up with thoughts as a result of all of this chaos, and we have every reason to be stressed.
Also, in times like these, it's very hard to decide what to do or not to do.
That's why you should try to meditate for a while or try to connect with God. Because in times like these, we have only one option, i.e., God.
There are other things as well, which you can do at this time. Read self-help books, spiritual books, or books that help you get over stupid thoughts of yours.
4. Meditation creates peace within your mind
As you know, currently, our minds are occupied with fear and horrible thoughts. Because of all those thoughts, it's very hard to see the truth in this situation.
And there is a saying: truth makes you peaceful.
So to know the truth, you need to see things the way they are. Because most of the time, we see things in the wrong way and imagine the hard consequences, which are not great for our body and mind.
It's like wearing black glasses, because of which, everything seems to be black. So we need to remove those glasses. And that is only possible when we come to our senses or try to use our minds correctly.
So, instead of overthinking things and making assumptions, simply begin meditating.
Also, you need to know this: the source of your thoughts is information. So, if you consume misinformation, your thoughts are going to trouble you. On the other hand, if you consume the right information, your thoughts are going to be peaceful.
So it's completely up to you. What do you want from your thoughts?
According to my views, you should try to listen to spiritual Gurus like Sadhguru, BK Shivani, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and some others who are spreading positive teaching in this world.
Because listening to positive people brings positive changes in your mind.
5. Meditation increases your sitting habit (Duration for studies).

Our habits play a vital role in our success. And for students, sitting for long periods is a must. If they wish to excel in exams,
What am I trying to say? If you don't have good sitting habits, you cannot be considered a good student. because you don't have the capability to focus for a long time. which is vital for every student.
A lot of students fail to crack the exam because they don't have a sitting habit. Moreover, when they try to sit for a longer time, they start losing focus. It happens to almost all students who want to take big exams after high schools, such as JEE (Joint Entrance Exam) or NDA (National Defence Academy Exam).
They must have a sitting habit of at least 5–6 hours a day.
Because your sitting habit defines your focus time.
So, if you don't have a good sitting habit, then you should start developing it. Because you need that to ace all kinds of competitive exams.
That's why you should check whether you have a good sitting habit or not. If you don't have one, then you should start meditating to develop a good sitting habit. Overall, you need to understand this: meditation is vital for overall growth.
Only we humans have the privilege of meditating and connecting with the supreme. Besides, if we ignore that ability, then we are simply ruining our lives, nothing else.
So try to use this gift to make a positive difference in your life. Also, if you don't believe in meditation and yoga, then it's the best time to experiment because experimentation reveals the truth about everything.
Also, read;
The path of success is the path of confusion.
What is meditation and how to start meditation.
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