12 Reasons Why Students Fail In Examination
A lot of you may not know the reasons behind your failures so here we have shared 12 reasons why students fail exams

This is important to discuss because many students make mistakes on board exams.
These are some common mistakes that every single student makes. And sometimes, because of these mistakes, students end up losing marks.
Before moving on to mistakes, I want to know how your preparation goes.
Are you all set? Or are you waiting for the last moment to prepare for your board exams, class 10th?
Let's dive into the mistakes.
12 Reasons why students fail the examination
- Poor time management.
- Lack of preparation.
- Distractions (Netflix and amazon prime).
- Low self-esteem.
- Overconfidence and low confidence.
- Lack of strategy.
- Ignoring important things and doing unnecessary things.
- Lack of practice.
- Procrastination.
- Ignoring the importance of mocks.
- Seeking too much advice.
- Trying to cover too many books.
1. Poor time management.

It doesn't matter what you're doing in your life and what your goals are. If you want to succeed in what you're doing, then you need to have proper time management.
Why are students bad at time management?
Because in student life, we completely ignore the importance of time. We never think about time, and our focus is mostly dedicated to friends, social media, movies, etc.
There is nothing wrong with it because no one knows what will happen tomorrow. But as a student, you should consider utilizing your time for better things.
2. Lack of preparation.

This is also followed by time management. Time management helps you with your preparation. And if you don't know how to manage your time? Simply means you don't know how to assign time to each subject and how much to each.
Furthermore, those students who lack time management skills end up failing exams or scoring less. Only because they never lend proper time to each subject.
You can't simply ignore Hindi or Humanities because you feel they are boring or too easy.
3. Distractions fail students (Netflix and amazon prime)

Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram are not only distractions. There are others as well. And you are very well informed about them.
These distractions have become a major reason for student failure because they affect attention and increase mental stress.
How do social media platforms affect your mental strength?
It's straightforward. All social media platforms work on attention-seeking analytic behaviour, which means they consume your attention. And reduces your attention to spam.
Social media platforms like Tik-Tok, reels and other short video platforms are a curse for students. Because they damage the minds of students slowly. So, if you're consuming too much social media, try to reduce it and do other important stuff.
Try not to compromise your studies for your distractions.
Also, read this: Reasons why Tik-Tok is so popular these days.
4. Overconfidence and low confidence

Both overconfidence and low confidence are bad for your studies.
What if you're too confident in your skills and knowledge? Then you'll assume you'll easily score in the exams with less study. Because of this, you'll completely mismanage things and wait until the last moment to prepare for your exams.
Once, you decided to wait for the last moment. This automatically increases the probability of your failure. Only because now you're not going to prepare for your exams properly.
How much low confidence pushes you towards exam failure?
This happens to overthinkers. They always pre-assume everything in their minds. During the time of preparation, they think about the result. In that, they have failed badly.
In this way, they increase the peer pressure on their brains. Because of that, they fail the exams.
5. Low self-esteem

Your self-esteem completely reflects what you feel inside, plus how you handle challenges. In other words, it reflects your confidence. And those who are not sure about their preparation always have low self-esteem.
Therefore, low self-esteem badly affects their exams. So, before appearing for your exam, improve your self-esteem and be confident about exams.
6. Lack of strategy

You are all very well aware of what a strategy is. And how important is it in terms of the examination point of view?
Most students approach exams without a proper strategy. They think that everything is going to work. Because of this behaviour, they end up ruining their Board exams.
7. Ignoring important things and doing unnecessary things

This is the most common habit for almost every student. They always ignore important things or leave them for later. They believe that other things are far more critical than their studies.
To be honest with you, currently, only one thing is essential: your studies. If you wish to score more, try to solve as many questions as possible. Because problem-solving improves your confidence and decreases your chances of failure, There are ways in which you can solve 200+ questions a day.
8. Lack of practice

Many students fail exams because they never practice, so they only focus on rote memorization. They never considered practising what they learned from their NCERT books for the examination.
9. Procrastination

This is a pro feature for all student life. As I have explained above, we tend to forward things to tomorrow, sometimes to the deadline.
In this way, we not only increase our chances of exam failure. But it also shows how lazy and irresponsible we are.
I hope you get my point. If you wish to score well in your exams, you should start developing good habits.
10. Ignoring the importance of mocks

Mocks are the best cure for your examination fever. Still, a lot of students believe that solving mocks is not going to improve their scores.
I don't know why!
You need to understand this: solving more and more mocks will improve your scores because exams are also one type of mock test.
11. Seeking too much advice.

I am saying this even though what I am offering is also advised. It is only because students, during their board examinations, are on a quest to know things.
They try to ask each other everything! I know getting questions during exams is natural. But you must understand the basics. When you ask something of someone, he doesn't know what your strengths and weaknesses are and how you deal with things.
The only thing he offers is his experience of himself. What he did during his Board exams can be helpful. But there are chances that his advice might not match your lifestyle or how you think about things. And when this happens, you seek more advice, which confuses you.
So don't seek too much advice because it will only confuse you. which might ruin your result.
12. Try to cover too many books

I know a lot of students believe that more books mean more scores. But this is not true.
Because CBSE, ICSE, state, and other national boards have limited syllabus if the course is limited, then how can you need 10th books for the same course?
So, try to understand the basics more than anything else.
Also read the following:
How to stay focused on studies.
Books for IIT JEE main preparation.
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